Serving North Hudson's Veterans and Communities since 1919

Naturalization Ceremonies & Citizenship Initiatives
Weehawken American Legion Post 18 is proud to be the first Post in the Garden State’s modern era to restore the tradition of Legionnaires welcoming our country’s newest Americans.
Partnering with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Weehawken American Legion Post 18 hosts naturalization ceremonies, offers support for residents pursuing citizenship, and nurtures available resources to care for local immigrant families.
Weehawken Post 18 instituted its annual Americanism Awards to commend local teachers, first responders, reporters, and other professionals who contribute to the well-being our area and its residents.
Each year, our veterans reach out to local stakeholders in an effort to celebrate those who exemplarize selfless service.
Town Hall Community Speaker Series
Weehawken American Legion Post 18 works to ensure our members and neighbors stay informed about the challenges and opportunities confronting our common home.
Whether via public forums, panel discussions, or online platforms, our Legionnaires facilitate civil discourse to help us all better understand and engage with pressing issues.
Voter Registration
Weehawken American Legion Post 18 is dedicated to the democratic principles to which our veterans once swore their service.
Our Legionnaires help hundreds of citizens get on the road to being registered to vote, connecting residents with the information they need to participate in our democracy.