Serving North Hudson's Veterans and Communities since 1919 

American Legion Post 18


Women's & Family Health

Post 18 hosted the north Hudson area's first ever Women's Wellness Day, linking 200+ families to health and wellness providers, networks, and services.

Weehawken American Legion Post 18 remains dedicated to serving and raising awareness of the needs of female veterans, a commitment that led our Legionnaires to advocate more broadly for women’s health and wellness initiatives locally and statewide.


Mental Health

Weehawken American Legion Post 18 is a leader in addressing mental health in our area. Our veterans have access to resources and training on suicide prevention, substance abuse prevention, care for those with dementia and brain injuries, and more.

Our Legionnaires host events like the north Hudson area's first-ever Mental Health Day, which linked 50+ families to local mental health resources.

Serving Families of Children with

Developmental & Intellectual Disabilities

Post 18 is committed to our area's families. Our Legionnaires continue to host events to support the families of children with special needs and their loved ones, like our Halloween events which linked 75+ families to resources for youth and family readiness, resiliency, and respite services. All such events are inclusive of the entire family with opportunities for children with and without special needs, so that all are welcome to participate.

Nutrition & Physical Fitness

Post 18 leads the way in keeping veterans physically, mentally, and spiritually fit. Our Legionnaires lead and participate in hikes, runs, and fitness events throughout the greater NYC area, while sharing opportunities for greater wellness with fellow veterans and neighbors.

"The Pillars" Featured Partner Video Series

Our efforts to care for veterans and communities are amplified and enhanced by working alongside a range of credible, community-rooted partnering agencies. Our veterans gain valuable experience when collaborating with these local nonprofits, while our communities benefit from innovative, best-in-class programs and services. This forthcoming series will share our veterans' stories about such work.



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